Heater Maintenance To Extend The Lifespan Of Your Heating Equipment

When was the last time your heater had a check-up? Find out if your heater can work more efficiently and effectively with heater maintenance in Yorkville from 630-361-3681. We can help decrease your power or gas bill AND delay the need to replace your heating system.
Maintaining a home can feel like a full-time job on its own. Entire weekends can be swallowed up with yard projects, garage organization, or general cleaning of your home's interior. Forgetting to keep an eye on your heater is an easy thing to do.
If you're struggling to keep up with an overwhelming schedule and stay on top of your home's many maintenance needs, it's alright to get help. CTC Heating and Cooling is here to take an important task off of your to-do list. Let's take a closer look at what heater maintenance means and what we'll be doing to keep your furnace going for a long time.
Heating Tune-Ups
There are several components to a professional heater tune-up. While our professionals are very good at changing filters, we hope that you will remember to keep up with this monthly task. Regular heater maintenance can eliminate the need for heater repair in Yorkville. Here are more specialized tasks you'll see from our technicians at your home's next heating tune-up:
- Burner Adjustment
- Pilot Light or Ignitor Inspection
- Blower Compartment Cleaning
- Duct Connection & Airflow Checks
- Wiring Inspection/Adjustment
- Safety Checks
- Professional Advice
CTC Heating and Cooling looks carefully at how heat is created and travels throughout your home. We begin by examing your pilot light or ignitor. If these malfunction, your home (and family) can be at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning or dangerous explosions. Similarly, faulty wiring can lead to fire hazards, so we'll work to ensure your family stays safe while your furnace is in action.
Next, we improve your system's efficiency by adjusting your burners if needed and cleaning the blower compartment to maximize the amount of warm air that comes out of your furnace. From there, the connection of the ducts will be evaluated to check for proper airflow. The combined effect of these actions can quickly decrease your heating bill.
How Often Should I Schedule Heater Maintenance?
The best way to increase the lifetime of your heater and to keep your energy bill lower is to set up annual heater maintenance. Many people wait until it's too late to service this vital part of their home. While adding the cost of a visit from CTC Heating and Cooling may not be the most exciting way to spend money, it will certainly be less than a visit for heater repair.
Don't let the cold take you by surprise. Call 630-361-3681 today for a free estimate for heater maintenance from CTC Heating and Cooling.